My Story
Are You Ready For Adventure?
Imagine a world where you are the star of your own story. You are the adventurer. The traveler. The monster hunter. The dragon slayer. We all seek to be heroes of fantastical worlds, through games, books, and more. But what if the magic weren’t only in the words we read and the pictures we saw? What if we could smell and even taste it, too? What if adventuring were an even more fantastical and multi-sensory experience?
My name is Tai Talamonti, founder, recipe creator, and tea blender at Tiamat Tea. Also, part time adventurer!
The fantasy worlds we hold near and dear to our hearts can feel more distant than ever when separated by a screen or a page, and many spend precious time and energy seeking out avenues through which they can immerse themselves even further. But smell and taste are the keys to memory and imagination, and while they are often overlooked on our journeys, they needn’t be any longer!
Turn your escapades into a fully immersive experience with teas designed to take you on a fantastical journey, imagined and blended by someone who seeks this immersion just as much as you do, who understands your love and devotion and seeks to match it beat for beat. Sip for sip.
Pair these teas alongside your favorite video game, or brew a whole pot for your tabletop RPG crew. Delight as your stories transform into something even more, even better than you imagined they could be. Immerse yourself in the escape as all of your senses revel in the journey. Over 3500 heroes have taken my teas on their imaginative travels thus far, and I continue to strive to create even more blends to amaze the senses and take my customers on new adventures.
My mission is to travel alongside you and enhance your fantasy experiences, with only a kettle, a cup, and some darn good tea.
Are you ready, hero?
Adventure awaits!
~ Tai